Engaging Local Communities to Promote Sustainability in Boise, Idaho

The City of Boise is determined to take action to ensure a prosperous future for its citizens. Climate change is a major factor in this, and the Southwest Idaho Community Planning Association (COMPASS) is the regional collaboration forum that helps maintain a healthy and economically dynamic region. The Idaho Office of Emergency Management (IOEM) is a division of the Idaho Military Division and the Emergency Management Agency of the 26% Homeland Security of the state of Idaho. The 10th National Response Force (HRF) is a 580-member team that can deploy various response capacities related mainly to chemical, nuclear, biological and radioactive situations in the Area of Region X, comprising Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Alaska.

McIntyre, an environmental lawyer and police defense partner based in the office of Stoel Rives LLP in Boise, Idaho, is one example of how local communities can get involved in promoting sustainability. The Boise Farmers Market is another great way for people to learn about and get involved with food system issues. The Idaho Prescribed Fire Council serves as a forum to promote the safe and effective use of prescription fire throughout Idaho. The EPA's EJ in Air Permitting: Principles for Addressing Environmental Justice Concerns in Air Permitting (December) provides guidance on how to reduce disparities between communities.

The Center for Advanced Energy Studies is a research and education consortium between Boise State University, the Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho State University, the University of Idaho and the University of Wyoming. In today's tight labor market, communities are facing real obstacles to advancing today's economy. Starfield, acting assistant administrator of Strengthening Enforcement in Communities with Environmental Justice Concerns, U. S., has renewed focus on environmental justice (“EJ”) in regulatory and commercial activities to reduce gaps in lived experiences in U.

S. neighborhoods. The Idaho Rural Water Association (IRWA) is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit corporation that provides training and technical assistance to water and wastewater facilities in Idaho with populations under 10,000 inhabitants. To apply ESG principles to the needs of the EJ, companies must collaborate meaningfully with affected communities in an evaluation to understand their experiences.

This helps ensure that everyone has access to clean air and water, as well as economic opportunities. The men and women of the IOEM are devoted to their mission to protect the lives and property of the people of Idaho, as well as to preserve its environmental and economic health.

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